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7 Query Don’ts

7 Query Don’ts

As you can imagine, we get a lot of queries from potential clients who are hoping to secure an agent. We’ve seen some beautiful queries! And although we usually gain a client through existing relationships or meeting a writer at a conference, we have signed a...
Instagram for Authors

Instagram for Authors

On my last post, I wrote about how one of the best ways to build your platform is to concentrate on one social media space and learn it well. In 2020 and 2021, that platform for me is Instagram. Why? Five reasons: Because most of my readers are there. Because...
21 Ways to Build Your Platform

21 Ways to Build Your Platform

Today I want to think outside the typical platform box and offer you some creative (possibly even fun!) ways to build your author platform. Recently I heard from a publisher who took note of an author’s platform (in a complimentary way), but pointed out low...
Goals for Writers

Goals for Writers

If you want to go anywhere in the business of writing, it is imperative you set goals and then meet them, particularly when you’re starting out. If you’re someone worried about deadlines, here’s a handy way to prepare yourself now. Think of it as strength and...

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