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15 Traits of Predatory Vanity Publishers

15 Traits of Predatory Vanity Publishers

I've been meaning to write this post for a long time because predatory publishing has been around for quite some time. Used to be you could spot a self published book by an Uncle George cover (he had some Adobe skills-ish), poor writing (no editing), and yellowing...

Instagram for Authors

Instagram for Authors

On my last post, I wrote about how one of the best ways to build your platform is to concentrate on one social media space and learn it well. In 2020 and 2021, that platform for me is Instagram. Why? Five reasons: Because most of my readers are there. Because it's...

21 Ways to Build Your Platform

21 Ways to Build Your Platform

Today I want to think outside the typical platform box and offer you some creative (possibly even fun!) ways to build your author platform. Recently I heard from a publisher who took note of an author's platform (in a complimentary way), but pointed out low...

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